Sunday, October 31, 2010

Swedish Halloween!

The whole fam went to a murder mystery Halloween party last night and had a FAB time!  We made some new friends and generally were much more social than usual.  But now I am at a crossroads in yet another Swedish of the girls we met last night requested to be my Facebook friend this morning.  "Great!", I thought, and accepted it.  As I uploaded pictures from the party, there were a couple of her, which I tagged.  She "untagged" them within 5 minutes!  Um, ok.  So apparently I have crossed some sort of unspoken line which I had no idea was there.  So, whatever.....if that offended her then so be it.  But I do have to mention, she posted a picture of me BEFORE she wanted to be friends.  Hmmmmm.  Oh, and she is not even Swedish, she is American - again, I say, whatever.  *sigh*

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Welcome Back....

So it's been an eternity since I've posted.  Sorry, peeps.....but it's been a wild few let me explain:

1.  Summer Vacation.
So, supposedly we made it through the worst winter in 50+ years.  Apparently that equals to the warmest summer in 50+ years as well.  It was absolutely gorgeous, but waaaaaaay too hot to live comfortably for a girl who has never lived in a house without some sort of A/C.  Yeah, yeah, yeah, I know I am from the Deep South and should be used to heat.  Of course I am, that is a given.  But even the poorest people there at least have a window A/C unit.  Here, I got funny looks if I suggested we get an oscillating fan.  Come on people, it was H-O-T.  No need to sweat if you don't have to!

2.  baby girl started Dagis!  Can I get an amen????  She loves it, and hardly needed the week of inskolning that all daycares require here.  For the record, I think that it is a good idea.  However, by the 3rd day I was asking the headmistress if I could sneak out and run errands.  baby girl could not have cared less that I was there!  Thank goodness our Dagis is cool like that and let me drop her off by herself for the last 2 days of transitioning.  And I am loving that both girls love to be there every day, because.....(wait for it)....

3.  I have started SFI (Swedish for Immigrants)!  It has been a true learning process for me, and has really begun to open my eyes about this crazy, small world we live in.  My class is far, FAR, F-A-R from perfect but I am beginning to learn and actually use Swedish.  My spoken Swedish still sucks, but at least now I know what I am *supposed* to say.  Listening skills are getting better, too.  Reading and writing are definitely my strengths.  Hopefully I can put all these puzzle pieces together soon so that I can get a job, which I feel I desperately need to do....not just financially for the family, but for me, myself, and I.  I have missed adult interactions, and have made new friends in SFI.  Thank goodness! :)

4.  Lastly, we are building a house!  YESSSSSS!  Time to get out of this apartment with its crazy neighbors.  Time for the girls to each have their own rooms.  Time for all of us to have space when we need it - forced "togetherness" in a tiny apartment has almost run its course.  So, hopefully by next summer we will be in our new pad.....that is, if our architect can get the drawings right.  And that, my friends, is a story that deserves its own post....

SO, forgive me bbs for being so slack!  I promise I will do better.....

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Springtime Snow and Dagis Bugs

Today is April 21st.  We woke up this morning to about a quarter of an inch of snow on the ground.  Seriously.

For the past several weeks, we have had at least one gorgeous Spring day.....I now have Spring Fever so bad that I am willing myself to eat on the porch when it is the least bit sunny outside.  I am pushing The Belle outside to play if the sun is even peeking through the clouds.  Perhaps it is our previous home in the US, people are already wearing flipflops and shorts.  Here?  I think it is warm when I can go outside with just a fleece jacket on.  My, how things have changed.....

To add to the crazy weather, we have all been sick.  Thanks, Dagis.  Although, baby girl did get sick first.....and she doesn't go to Dagis yet.  So for all we know, this wonderful mess came off of a cart at Maxi.  All I know is that I feel horrible, and Mama is never allowed to be sick.  *sigh*

What an uplifting post for you today!  I promise things will get better......

Wednesday, April 14, 2010


I am so done.

Done with sassy husbands, crabby kids, obnoxious dogs, and tiny apartments.  Done with pediatricians who snarkily say, "So you prefer English?" and "Americans certainly are ambitious with immunizations".  Done with preschool teachers who tell me that the other teachers and parents are afraid to talk to me because I only speak English.  Done.  Done, I say.

And forgive me, said pediatrician, for immunizing my child according to American guidelines.  A thousand idiot.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010


It has been almost 4 months since we made our big transatlantic move.  In that time, I have made it through the worst winter in 50 years, a transition from a 1900 square foot house (with a yard) to a 900 square foot apartment, and various other ups and downs.  Yet one thing eludes me about common interactions I have experienced.  Let me explain.....

Example baby girl and I went to Maxi (the Wal-Mart of Scandinavia) after we dropped The Belle off at dagis.  Everything was cool....we took in our recycling and got the receipt for the pant.  I got my self-scanner and we started on our way.  I even brought my own bags, which was very European of me.  So, I am going down the first aisle.....1 giant cart with an 11 month-old in the seat.....3 bags in the cart, waiting to be filled up.  I stopped to get soap.....I scanned it, no problem.  I put it in the bag and look up to see a pissed-off lady basically wanting to play chicken in the grocery aisle.  Um, ok.  So I hurriedly throw my soap in the bag and try to get out of her way, but she stays put and glares at me.  Um, hello?  I got so ruffled that I couldn't get out of her way fast enough so she could pick out her Pepsodent.  I wanted to tell her, "If I am in your way, why don't you say excuse me?  Is it not obvious that I don't see you??  And why are you so bitter?"  But I digress......

Example 2......after Fun Times at Maxi, baby girl and I set our sights on home.  At our apartment, there are gates at the paths but you can open them if you need to.  I think 3 large bags of groceries and a sleeping infant qualify for opening the gate and driving up to the apartment door.  Apparently I am wrong.  As I get everybody and everything in the house, an elderly couple walks around from the other direction.  If you have read any previous posts, you know my luck with the elderly....but I remained hopeful that they would just keep walking.  The man did, but his wife stopped dead in her tracks, turned around, and stared at me until I was in the building.  Then, as I went in to put the groceries in the kitchen I looked out the window and the man had stopped, turned around, and was watching me through the window.  WTF?  I gave him the stinkeye and he turned around and walked off, but really?  What was that about?  I know that I do not look typically Scandinavian.....I am a glamazon, a redhead that is almost 6 feet tall, but please do not stare at me like I dropped down from the moon.  That rattled me so much that I had to call The International and ask him if I looked funny.  Now he thinks I'm crazy, but I have had enough weird things happen to me since we've been here that I thought it was a valid question.  Whew.

So, enough of my reflections for today.  Hopefully next time they will be a little more positive.  Hopefully.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Playground Adventures and Waffle Day

Apparently I have a tattoo on my head that tells random people to start conversations with me.  However, this tattoo only appears when I least want it to.  Like yesterday......

I took The Minis to a nearby playground after lunch.....Spring has come to the tundra and it is glorious!  There is still a little snow, but the sun is making more of an appearance, it is warm, and the ground is finally beginning to dry out.  So, we are having a fab time....we have the playground to ourselves which is even better.  Then here comes a teenage girl and her little sister.  And the teenage girl wants to talk.  Me?  Not so much.  Here's the Reader's Digest version of our convo:

Her:  You Speak English?

Me:  Um, yes. 

Her:  And your daughter speaks English?

Me:  Um, yes. 

Her:  Wow.  When I looked at you, I didn't think you looked like someone who spoke Swedish.  Your baby is so cute.

Me:  Thanks.

Her:  Blah, blah, blah, your daughter speaks English?  Your baby is so cute.  And you speak English?  Blah, blah, blah, blahhhhhh........

This went on for about 15 minutes before I finally told her we had to leave.  I think I know more about her than she know about herself after that convo.  She asked me about my age, where we live, where we were from, how old The Minis are, when their birthdays are, you name it she asked it.  I tried to answer her in as few words as necessary.  Now, I am pretty social, but I am not going to divulge tons of info to someone I just met at the playground.  I think she eventually got the message because then she told me everything about herself.....and that was when I decided the Q&A session was over and we had to call it a day.  Call me a buzzkill, but whatever.......

On another note, I found out recently that today is Waffle Day here in Sverige.  A whole day devoted to waffles, could it get any better???  baby girl and I had to go to Maxi after we dropped The Belle off at Dagis to get our waffle iron and accessories.  And we are having an old fashioned waffle party with the BIL and SIL tonight.  Yet another thing about Sweden that definitely does not suck.  Any holiday devoted to golden brown deliciousness is ok with about you?

Monday, March 22, 2010

Dear Facebook Friends,

Please stop using Facebook as your own political soapbox.  I know a lot of Americans do not agree with Obama's healthcare overhaul.  It is not perfect, nor will it ever be.  However, when I get on Facebook it is to socialize and see pictures of your kids.....not to hear about how you think Barack Obama and all Democrats are borne of the Devil.  If I wanted to be a part of a political debate I would call ComHem and subscribe to C-Span.  Give it a rest, please.  I will be forced to hide your posts from my NewsFeed if you don't put on your Big Girl panties and deal with something the government did that you don't happen to like or agree with.  k?thxbai
